Lee Middle and High School Internship Program

Here you will find all of the information you need to successfully complete and earn credit for your internship at Lee Middle and High School. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see the quarterly assignments/requirements.

Program Objective

The internship program is an individualized career education opportunity that offers our students hands-on experience and insight into a particular profession. It is coordinated and supervised by the LMHS Internship Coordinator. Students receive credits based on the number of hours they spend at the work site.

Student Expectations

The student intern must:

  • Be scheduled at the site for a minimum of 3.75 hours per week

  • 3.75 hours per week for the entire school year = 1 credit

  • 7.50 hours per week for the entire school year = 2 credits

  • Document hours worked and have it verified by the internship supervisor. Must be turned in at the end of each marking quarter (Not applicable for in school interns).

  • Schedule and document make-up time for any time lost due to absence.

  • Notify the internship mentor ahead of time if you are going to be absent.

  • 3 or more unexcused absences may lead to the termination of your internship.

  • Students must complete all required quarterly assignments listed under the quarterly checklists below.

Getting Started

The following must be completed before your internship can begin

Explore Internships

Below are some ideas of places you could contact for internships. Some of them are employers who we have worked with in the past either through internship placements, our career fair, or other career related activities. Others are just suggestions of local businesses that may be worth looking into. They are sorted by industry sector. If you know of an employer who would be a good addition to this list (or if you are an employer who would like to be added), please email dkorte@leepublicschools.net.